Saturday, January 31, 2015

Bruce Jenner's Amazing Genetics

Scientists will spend precisely no time whatsoever looking for the gene that makes you discover you are really a woman inside after you have already fathered children.  Said Rochester Harding, lead genetic researcher at Monsanto, "Even if there is such a gene, we don't care.  By the way, who is Bruce Jenner?"

Frankly, we really don't know as he won in the Olympics for something ... swimming, running, playing piano, who knows.

Then he had babies who presumably grew up to become the same ones who are so pointless in tabloid news now.  Whatever the gene, those babies have got it.

Not satisfied with the pointlessness of his progeny, Jenner decided he is really a woman and he's going to become the Butt Ugliest Female in L.A.  The only reason this is news is it seems they're going to make a reality show out of it.

The horror isn't that the topic of the show is transgender as it's not that controversial when there are as many types of transgender as Baskin Robbins has flavors of ice cream.  Facebook may even have as many as ninety classifications for sexual interest ... and a million people for each type, all barking for equality in something.

The horror part is what happens during the transition because they get fookin' crazy and some of them get mean.  Some of the regulars may remember when Trillian Traal and her alts were screeching about homophobia but that wasn't the problem.  No-one was being homophobic, it was that she was partway through the change and was drunk as a monkey most of the time.  That they will make a sideshow out of Jenner in that period is repugnant as he'll do some fucked-up stuff, you can almost set your watch.

If I were directing the show, there would be no reference to his sex change.  Maybe he does a series of shows on how footballs spontaneously lose air pressure.  Who cares what's in them as the point is his sex change will proceed through the course of the running of the shows and you can accept it as it goes along or not.  That would make the more profound point, in my view, as it would be so Popeye:  I yam what I yam.

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