Saturday, January 24, 2015

Dentistry and Ace Hardware

In situations in which a visit to a dentist may be indicated, there are alternatives, one of which is Ace Hardware.  I have several sets of pliers here as one is for cutting the strings to trim them after restringing the guitar and and there's another pair of needle-nose pliers for, well, doing what they do.

One thing you may not anticipate them doing is whacking a sharp piece of a tooth that is bugging the living hell out of me ... and consequently you.

As to results, I can't say it really worked all that well but it definitely worked better than the peanuts.  This is a situation that demanded a selfie but, even with my sensationally formidable skills of manual dexterity, I did not find a way to take a picture while simultaneously poking some Ace Hardware pliers into my mouth.

I really am sorry about the selfie as that would have been funny.

Mystery Lady will understand this isn't whining.  Po' folks can't be pussies.  You won't make it.  I think it's kind of an inventive solution even if (cough) it isn't exactly solved.  I should probably be stopped if I try to use the cutting pliers, tho.  That might be a bit too aggressive.

It seriously does seem to have helped as it especially hurt to swallow and it doesn't now.  The Ace Hardware Procedure really might have partially worked.

Now things should get on to the music.


Anonymous said...

Well--I used a small rasp to file my "sharpie" down but that was after the stuff I bought from the drug store (temporary filling material ) just kept falling out.--ML

Unknown said...

Someone who understands! That rasp idea sounds pretty cool as you know how it goes with 'sharpie' bits when they bite your tongue every time it moves. A trip to Ace Hardware may be just the thing.