Monday, April 1, 2013

Quit Smoking Campaign is Live Once Again

Notwithstanding the annoyance of the blazing stupidity from Traal, the quit smoking campaign is again underway.  There won't be anything much to report for about a week as there won't be credible evidence of success before that.  And I mean real credible evidence as opposed to White House credible evidence as the latter was never credible at all.  Right now their big hype is the huge threat from North Korea.

Here are various things that will happen before North Korea becomes a real threat to the U.S.:

Trillian Traal will become the next Miss America

The Screaming Orgasm Bird will find its way to North America.  (As some may know, the beauty of the song of the Screaming Orgasm Bird causes orgasms almost immediately in most humans as soon as it is heard.)

Ted Nugent will find Jesus and start to work on helping starving African babies.

The Pope will finally tell us why all Popes look the same.  Clones?  We don't really know.

Fox News will have a gigantic and hugely painful bowel movement that expels Bill O'Reilly into the Hudson River where he drowns but even the catfish won't eat him.

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