Thursday, April 11, 2013

Clement Attlee, Voted Britain's Best Post-War Prime Minister in 2004

Clement Attlee became Prime Minister in 1945, taking over after Winston Churchill and the war years.  He was a true leader of the people and, as Labour Party leader, he oversaw creation of the National Health Service and other social services and he was widely-supported by both political parties.  He worked assiduously toward full employment using Keynesian principles rather than the fashionable but disastrous voodoo economics of the Reagan / Thatcher years.  (Wiki:  Clement Attlee)

As in the U.S., social services are consistently misrepresented as a pile of handouts for people who don't work but here is a pie chart of where the money actually goes (hardly any of it goes to the unemployed):

There was no state funeral when Attlee died nor is it likely he would have wanted one.

What did Thatcher do ... well, did her best to undermine everything Attlee did.  Bury her deep.

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