Sunday, April 14, 2013

Silas at Whiskey Go Round Fifth Anniversary Show (video by Drutim Bates)

That Drutim Bates shot this video quite a while ago is deeply-appreciated as I had forgotten about the tune.  It might have been the only time I ever did it and I doubt it ever had a name.  I also very much appreciate Grateful Stryker inviting me to play at the Whiskey Go Round Fifth Anniversary as he's been a true-blue friend for quite a few years.

I've been highly admiring of the delicacy of the play by various performers at the MusikCircus and had altogether forgotten about some delicacy of my own.  This one will come back in some form and the reason I post it is that it seems like it or some variation on it would be an excellent backdrop for the "Angel" poem.

Cat said this was part of the legend stuff but that's spooky to me.  If I start believing this legend business then I'm screwed (laughs).  I'm a fookin' legend, show me reverence!  Whew, kill that sumbitch!  (laughs)

Cat keeps me humble at the same time, tho.  She has quite possibly the most eclectic knowledge of music of anyone I've ever known.  Lotho is pretty good but she throws music at me ranging from a Portuguese reggae band to an Italian composer who made a symphonic piece that backs his video on Cornwall.  You can check out the CATsCLUB MUSIKCIRCUS channel on YouTube for an astounding collection of playlists / videos.

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