Wednesday, April 24, 2013

"Too Much or Not Enough" - Silas Live at Cat's Art MusikCircus (podcast)

"Too Much or Not Enough" is a song I wrote quite a few years ago and the regulars know it's about the Mystery Lady.  It was a privilege and an honour to perform it with her a few years ago on-stage in Cincinnati.  Love never dies.  Passion may fade but love never will.

There's nothing else you need to know about the relationship but I can tell you that we stay in-touch with each other as best as possible and she does read the blog so behave yerselves out there (laughs).

Something that isn't private at all is the way the Mystery Lady played the Mother Goose role at the Cincinnati concert.  Donika was doing her first major solo set and she had come almost three thousand kilometers / fifteen hundred miles by bus to do it.  The Mystery Lady helped her get cool with it along with anyone else she could support even though she had her own set coming up that night.  She acted in the truest sense of a musician.

"Too Much or Not Enough" is available for free on the Ride the Dragon podcast or you can link immediately to the song file and play it.

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