Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Too Many Mornings After Like This

It's easy to imagine mornings like this.  I've seen too many of them already.

A much better imagination and what a vicious irony that John Lennon was murdered too.

Violence begets violence.  It has always been thus and of one thing I am absolutely sure:  the people have to stop it as the government never will.  We saw that after Sandy Hook and so many other episodes like it.

A government that is routinely killing civilians with drone bombs cannot elicit too much sympathy from the world when a bomber kills some of its own.  Of course I cry for the children.  I do not cry for the United States government as it brings this on itself just as it has many times before.  The worst part is the government doesn't pay the price for it but rather its people do.  YOU have to make the government stop as otherwise it never will.

This was too amateurish to have been an international effort.  More than likely it was a hometown hero and it isn't surprising that some people go crazy when the country shows every day its contempt for the poor, people are routinely incited to violence by Fox News (e.g. shooting of Gabrielle Giffords), and nothing really matters so long as it makes you rich and / or famous.

Until the bombing stops everywhere, it will never stop anywhere.


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