Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Celebrating Clement Attlee Day

Clement Attlee was the British Prime Minister after WWII and he was the man who turned the UK from being a colonial power into a country focused on its people.  He granted independence to India, Pakistan, Israel and many others.  In parallel with that he implemented the National Health Service, socialised medicine as it is called in the US with little to no understanding of it.   (Wiki:  Clement Attlee)

The lesson from Clement Attlee would serve equally well today as it did in his time as America has imperialist policies somewhat similar to historic UK and has been clever enough to find a way to bankrupt itself doing it.

Rather than spending the day lamenting the loss of useless baggage, I will focus mine on a great man of history who truly changed the course of the British Empire and very much for the betterment of its people.

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