Friday, April 12, 2013

"A Man in his Time Plays many Parts" - Kristine Schomaker (video)

"A Man in his Life Plays many Parts" by Kristine Schomaker gives us an excellent demonstration of the integration of Second Life and real life showing they are really different aspects of the same thing.  The video was shot in a real world presentation / exhibit and there's no point in telling you what it will show you when you can watch it for yourself.

My purpose in bringing the video to you here is to give you a good taste of Second Life.  Kristine has done quite a wonderful job of it and I love the emphasis on how Second Life brings people together from around the world.  I commented on this at the time but a recent performance by Xara Fiasco at the MusikCircus featured her singing from Australia, Cat was hosting the show from Germany, Voodoo Shilton had just finished his performance from the U.S., I'm in Greece, and there were more.

So, take it away Kristine!

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