Sunday, April 21, 2013

One Hazard of Greece: LFIs

What is an LFI you may ask and well you might if such a thing is actually a hazard so I leave it to you to determine if Large Flying Insects are a problem!  However, I find when they fly in the front door they will graciously fly right out the back door after I open it.

Something that is not at all a hazard is Kastro Bar.  I was out for a ride to find you some pictures and ran into Harry who was riding a bicycle.  He asked me if I would like to go to Kastro for coffee so off we went.

Harry talked a great deal of the history of Greece and his love of the country which goes far beyond simple flag-waving.  His love of Greece is not unique and is very much shared by everyone I have met here where the thinking is where would I go to find anyplace better.  Answer:  nowhere at all.  Other places are obsessed with getting the biggest house, the biggest car, the biggest TV, or amassing as many things as possible but that type of search is never satisfied as whatever they have is never big enough.  Harry admits there are some in Greece who pursue life that way but not so many and really it's like one very large family.  I've felt that too and I very obviously ain't from around here, boy.

We sat outside and this is what we could see:

Those are three JetSkis out there and if you look closely you will see the heads of some swimmers bobbing around.  There were people swimming the entire time we were there.  I kept remarking on the beauty of the color of the water and Harry was rightfully proud to tell me of its cleanliness.

The Greek government tests the waters all around Greece and will put up a flag depending on what it finds.  If it's red then the water is polluted and is not safe for swimming.  If the flag is dark blue then the water is safe and if it's light blue then there was no pollution detected at all.  The water around Katakolon, as with much of Greece, is rated light blue.

There is no industry around here to pollute the water and perhaps you may think this is why Greece has financial troubles as it's not working hard enough toward productivity but I'll throw a question back to you:  is your purpose to be productive of life or productive for some corporate parasite.  The economy is in trouble here but it will one day recover and the waters will still be rated light blue.

It's a beautiful day here and many people were at Kastro to enjoy it.

Every Sunday in Greece is, by law, a national public holiday.  Not every business can do that but most will close.  Perhaps the photograph doesn't capture the spirituality of it but there's very much a feeling of fellowship with everyone here.

May 5 is Easter in Greece and Harry asked me if I would like to spend it with his family.  No matter how much of a hermit I may be, that's not something to turn down so we will go to the church in Katakolon, I believe at midnight, and then have a barbecue later in the day.   While I'm obviously not a Christian, I'm not an atheist either.  That's not due to ambivalence as I've given the matter a great deal of thought.  I look forward to quite a beautiful day and it will be lovely to share it with Harry and his family.

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