Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Reservoir Cats Are All Here Now w/Pic

Mr Grey arrived this morning.  Mr Black is out there every morning and Mr Black and White is usually not far away as well.

If you recognise the reference to Quentin Tarantino then great as I believe the man is a genius and he always gives us two fundamental truths:

  • The world is a really fucking violent place
  • Surf rock is still cool

I strongly suspect Quentin Tarantino likes cats as well as they are violent little bastards.  If they want something to eat then they will go out and fucking kill it!  Dogs will just bark for someone to come and feed them but Reservoir Cats think those dogs are pussies.

There is a third truth implied by the frequent use of the word 'fuck' in Tarantino movies:  the word really is part of the language; it's two-letter SCRABBLE words such as JO, QI, XI, and ZA that are the obscenities.  (Yes, those words really are in the dictionary and they really are legal in SCRABBLE.  Never play me in that game.  I am shameless!)

The reason the other cats are not in the picture is Mr Black never tells them when there is food out there.  If they are not smart enough to figure it out then they don't belong at his table.  I suspect he may be the ringleader.

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