Saturday, April 13, 2013

"Anthem of the Dead" - Antiwar Video - Original

Antiwar is very fashionable now but protests got death threats back then.  I thought this video was lost but the computer found it, hiding behind a cloud, I suppose.

This one is from so far back that I was still playing a Stratocaster.  Man, I did love that guitar too.  I had it for about twenty years.

This video is one of the reasons I went into Second Life as it took such a frightfully-long time to generate video.  I wanted the Illusion of Gravity band to play at Stonehenge and there was zero chance of getting to the UK at the time.  So I made my own in Bryce and it took up to three days to generate fifteen seconds of animation.  In a 3D image, resolving it requires ray tracing the lights and there were a lot of them.  I got completely fed-up with that and Slim Warrior was encouraging me to go into Second Life.  I did that but I didn't have any plan to play as I was already playing.  I just wanted to build sets and shoot animations!  It was only after I got there and discovered the live music scene that I got hooked on performing.

Yes, it's me in all the parts and that's done with video compositing.  I would have played a bass for it too but I didn't have one at the time.  Those who know how compositing works will just nod and move along and those who don't probably aren't interested in a PhD course on making videos.   Very briefly, it's like using layers for a still image in Photoshop but it takes zooks longer to render it.

Donika still has stacks of the DVDs I made and maybe yet I'll find some way to work out how to hustle them.  There's no chance or very little chance of making any more of any of them.  More to come on that.

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