Saturday, February 2, 2013

Tango and Conga at Cat's Art MusikCircus

No-one ever shouts out YOU RAWK at a show at Cat Boucher's Art MusikCircus as the people in the audience are just a wee bit (a lot) more sophisticated than that.  Whether this is because it's largely a European audience I leave up to you, assuming you have way too much time on your hands.

Joaquin Gustav plays the first set on Friday nights with music that is leaning heavily toward covers in a Latin style of American pop tunes.  He renders them in a very beautiful way but what really sets him apart is when he starts Tango Time.  These songs are extraordinary and he has quite a gift for playing them.

I got a kick out of the picture as it shows behind him a board he uses so people can buy his CDs.  He has two of them and you can learn more about him on Facebook.

And Cat and I danced:

When I see us dancing I often wish my ol' Dad could see me now.  But when I wear a suit like this, I'm glad he can't!

Voodoo Shilton came up for the second set of the evening and shortly after that Cat crashed.  Crashing out of the system isn't uncommon but this time was unusual as she couldn't get back in again.  That left me as your friendly and fun-loving show host but that was cool as I do get a kick out of covering for her when things break.

Voodoo Shilton comes back each week to play on Friday nights and I've run pictures of him before but never one with a disembodied hand.  He was giving away a Clap Animation from his toy box on the right and the hand may have had something to do with that.  If it wasn't then I leave it up to you to imagine what became of the rest of the owner of the hand.

Voodoo played with characteristically incredible skill on his guitar and the crowd grew throughout his show.  Second Life problems forced Cat to cancel one of Voodoo's previous show but we were ready this time.  If anything went wrong then we would bag the show at the MusikCircus immediately and then move to a stage in another location we had set up earlier in the day.  Voodoo's show was definitely going to happen.

There was a quite sympathetic remark from Voodoo at one point about how he looked forward to hearing me play in Second Life and I would dearly love to do it but this point has got me to wanting to get out of Greece as quickly as I possibly can.  I did appreciate him saying that and I haven't given up on playing but I've definitely given up on Greece.

And then Voodoo suggested the conga.  As your friendly and fun-loving host, I thought this was quite a good idea and started into it.  Very quickly quite a good conga line of dancers started doing it too.

From left to right, well, I have no idea who all these people are!  To the right you can see Voodoo in the background performing on the stage and to the left you can see a couple dancing just before we crash into them.  I can cheerfully report they didn't seem to mind.

Although the Conga lags all hell out of the sim, you can see how much people were enjoying it while Voodoo played.  LET'S RAWK??  Pfft!  (laughs)

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