Monday, February 11, 2013

About Vipers in the Ruins

While the "Vipers in the Ruins" poem is an obvious metaphor, it's not a specific one.  What got the story going was Harry talking yesterday about little animals that eat snakes and then eat the Arugula plant to counteract any poison.  That got me thinking about Greek snakes so I looked up what kinds live here and that's when I discovered the sand viper.  What intrigued me is that this snake really is deadly and it does, in fact, like to live in the ruins.  From there the story was obvious in getting intrigued by something and then getting bitten by it.

As to the viper biting people because of pain it has experienced in its life, that isn't specific either but, wtf, if the hat fits then wear it (laughs).

I never did find the little animals that eat vipers.  Harry mentioned spines on their backs and there are several varieties of hedgehogs native to Greece but none are big enough to eat a viper so this remains a mystery.  It would be interesting to discover the identity of these animals as then there's a Rikki Tiki Tavi story that presents or David and Goliath if you like.

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