Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day from Sonya Jevette at Cat Boucher's Art MusikCircus

There was love all around at Cat Boucher's Art MusikCircus and people weren't just talking about it, you could see it!

This is the new Cat's Club and that carousel really does work!  Inside the tent is where all the concerts take place and this is where Sonya Jevette played last night.  Agustin Braham could not perform last night but he will likely be back next week.

You not only could feel the love, you could see it.  From left to right, Kaia Shippe, Sonya Jevette, and Medora Chevalier (look closely and you can see her bubble gum).

I hope Sonya doesn't get tired of doing the "Big Girls" song as it's become quite a signature for her.  Many in the audience know the words and will be quoting and singing them as she performs.  A big part of the song is toward treating a woman right whether she is big, small, or is Goldilocks and a very big movement right now is One Billion Rising, a global protest against violence toward women.  Yesterday was the culmination of the protest but hopefully not the reaction to it.

Violence against women is everything from domestic beating to genital mutilation and everything in-between, all of the savagery that is perpetrated simply because women are not physically-capable of defending themselves against it.  Around the world one billion women say ENOUGH!  Make it stop now.

The "Big Girls" song was already protesting violence against women as why should a big girl get hassled.  Perhaps you think no-one forced her to eat and that's true but no-one forced you to be an asshole about it either.  Sonya is a big girl and, like Hendrix said, I'm the one to die when it's time for me to die so let me live my life the way I want to.

And Cat and I danced:

Hopefully you feel the love but maybe you're thinking when Cat dresses so cool why does she hang out with some dork who looks like some idiotic college fratboy.  And, yes, that's a good point!

But this was how it went a little while later when we went shopping after the show.  We are dangerous in a clothing store!

So, don't worry about me wanting to be a college fratboy.  I didn't even want to be one when I was in university.  As the Cadillac Man can tell you, ACACIA was the Animal House of the University of Cincinnati and, sure, it was a fraternity but it was also a place where Jim Morgan had mixed phenolphthalein into the walls so they would change color due to humidity during drinking parties of which there were many!  I can truthfully say, I think, that no-one drank in the morning but that was definitely the only time as more than once I remember stumbling up to class with the Cadillac Man after lunch, both of us drunk as monkeys.

Um, yes, I did graduate, why do you ask (laughs).  So did the Cadillac Man!

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