Friday, August 7, 2015

Exit the Country or the Planet

The only reservation is on selling the Galaxy Guitar but it comes more and more to her being in better hands if I do it.  Without her, it doesn't make that much difference in Europe and I can do whatever I like although Ferraris and JetSkis are probably out.  Without a guitar, I really don't have to be anywhere.  There's some risk of that as giving up the guitar may mean I give up everything.  When there's so much hatred, evil, and manipulation in the country, whether I end up off-country or off-world doesn't matter that much.

Assuming Spain is the landing, the first move is to go over to Morocco to cross the border a few times to see what it's like to bring some hash back.  Depending on how safe I feel, maybe I will just hang out there for a while, blowing hash in Africa.  That would be one outstanding vibe in visiting cultures which are not infested with two-hundred-year-old thinking.

(Ed:  what kind of inconsequential life is that?)

It's vastly less inconsequential than hearing Megyn Kelly ask Trump why he calls women 'fat pigs' as if the answer actually matters in some way to world history.  Her determination to be trivial is worthy of formal recognition.

We have never landed in Africa and the risk is compelling as I know what to expect on the northern Mediterranean coast but Africa is just a wee bit more unstable.

(Ed:  what about terrorists?)

America has its own right-wing extremists and terrorists are all the same.  If you're in the way, you die.  They couldn't care less who you are.

Note:  Remember 'Je suis Charlie' ... it's not Charlie anymore.  They abandoned the Muhammed cartoons.  Presumably they weren't profitable enough.  The profiteers don't care who you are either.

Biggest crusher at present is not coming up with any way to see the Mystery Lady before getting out of here.  That's something of a tie as facing her after selling the Galaxy Guitar would be grim.  We worked up that guitar together.  It's not that she would be angry but rather it will hurt her too to see it go.

But Americans show me love all the time ... really.


Unknown said...

Whatever you do, NEVER try to take some hash across the Moroccan border. Not even the tiniest amount. If the Moroccan customs won't catch you, the Spanish will. And trust me, they'll hand out a lot more than just a slap on the wrist.

Anonymous said...

Excellent idea. Visting a Maroccan or Spanisch prison will give the trip something extra.

Unknown said...

Well, I had to know, right?? Now I do (larfs). Don't do that!

It's a long way to Czechoslovakia and it's cold ... but lots of drugs. Decisions, decisions.