Friday, August 7, 2015

Rockhouse and International Relations

[14:42] Silas Scarborough: did you hear of US debate last night?

[14:43] Marty McFly: yeah, trump's gonna run for whoever wants him to run lol
[14:43] Marty McFly: so, if trump is that rich, how come he can't buy a decent wig?

[14:44] Silas Scarborough: uh oh, the embarassment is global :(
[14:44] Silas Scarborough: It shames me no end that I live in the same country with these people

[14:46] Marty McFly: merkel has a funny wig, too though ^^

[14:46] Silas Scarborough: she's more intelligent than the morons over here

[14:47] Marty McFly: she was the secretary for aggitation and propaganda in east germany lol

[14:47] Silas Scarborough: Nevertheless, she relates well with Putin when no-one else does and she wasn't being a pair of slippers for him

[14:48] Marty McFly: I wonder what language they speak to each other in, he's fluent in german and she's fluent in russian

[14:48] Silas Scarborough: He just asks what she is wearing

[14:48] Marty McFly: he's a sicko then

[14:49] Silas Scarborough: He's a politician - of course he's a sicko!

[14:49] Marty McFly: yeah, but asking merkel what she's wearing is sick even by politician standards

[14:50] Silas Scarborough: I live with American politicians - these ones pick up boys in toilets - lol

[14:51] Marty McFly: so do german politicians, ask klaus wowereit lol

[14:51] Silas Scarborough: well, screw it - waste them all and start over - worked for the French

[14:53] Marty McFly: and these days we don't even need guillotines anymore, explosive wires work just as well for beheading

[14:53] Silas Scarborough: Worked well for the Bolsheviks until Stalin showed up

[14:53] Silas Scarborough: Push them into a volcano all at once!

[14:53] Marty McFly: most likely earth would spit them out again

[14:54] Silas Scarborough: Good point - lol

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