Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Fiasco at Cat's Art MusikCircus Last Night!

Joaquin Gustav came back to Cat's Art MusikCircus last night for another in a series of gigs that goes back five years.

Joaquin played a number of pop cover songs, always with the gentle grace he brings to everything, but he was really shining the brightest when he got to Tango Time and was playing some truly Latin material.  Joaquin is a real Argentinian gentleman and there's a delicacy to his work that is quite extraordinary.

CRI Bluestar enjoyed the performance from the Moon:

No stress problems detected here!

Julie Juliesse watched from the high-wire platform:

No sign of stress here either!

TrickY Oh watched the performance from the trapeze:

Nope, no stress anywhere!

TrickY was up there watching Voodoo Shilton.

Voodoo Shilton brought his signature works to the show as he performed in front of a Spanish castle but that somehow elicited a discussion as to whether he looks like Johnny Depp.  I'm not really seeing a Pirate of the Caribbean but you can see for yourself what Voodoo looks like on his YouTube channel!

Playing a series of covers by Al DiMeola, Chick Corea, and a number of other guitar greats, Voodoo brings a technical skill that is always impressive.  He also plays a number of his own originals and, naturally, he brings great technical skill to these as well.

And everybody danced!

From left to right:  zara Falmer, Dementonio Scorbal, Kamila Rufus, Valerian Shinn, Cat Boucher, Silas Scarborough, GCerry Alex, CRI Bluestar, Kirsten, Julie Juliesse, elmyr Bohemian, Mar, Ivone Viper, Soul, Fedeilia

And then something really unusual happened!

Xara Fiasco has been to the MusikCircus before and Cat and I had talked about how marvelous it would be if she could perform there.  Xara and I were talking in open chat and then she said suddenly, "Do you mean to play right now?"

I don't schedule acts at the circus so Cat's immediate attention was needed and happily I can report she thought it was quite a good idea!  In only minutes, Xara was setting up on the stage.

Xara Fiasco is an Australian singer who employs a full-size 88-key piano and sings in a unique style using her own highly-imaginative lyrics for a quite remarkable.  I was charmed to learn she had grown up in the same city as I:  Sydney, Australia.  She doesn't live there now as she has moved north in Australia to pursue an honors program at University.  Make no mistake, she is one very bright lady!

What sets Xara apart beyond the uniqueness of her work is the passion she brings to it.  She is not simply striking an artificial pose with her avatar as she really does have pink hair and she is equally comfortable with Second Life or real-life performances.  She said there is no difference to her between SL and RL and this is something I have believed for a very long time.

Another thing that sets her apart is the heart in her as a performer that makes her willing to do a performance with only five minutes notice.  Sure enough, she did it too!

There were some technical difficulties in getting started but this is never a surprise at a new venue and there were also some clipping problems but those are easily fixed.  Given the power and fire she brings to her performance, the surprise is there wasn't more clipping.  As an example of that power, her last song was one she calls "Violent Bitch" and this is one that perhaps only an Australian would have the nerve to sing.  Yes, I realise that demonstrates some ethnocentrism on my part but, what the hell, I don't try to cover it up (laughs).  Besides, I don't want to piss her off ... she's a violent bitch!

I love surprises and Xara Fiasco brought a lot of them.  I hope she will come again to bring some more. Something that was intriguing me is the understated fire and passion Lefty Unplugged brings to his shows as he also rejects convention so a set featuring he and Xara Fiasco could be quite a marvel!

And Cat and I danced:

1 comment:

Julie said...

You missed my stress. . . the picture of me shows me wearing the skirt from one outfit and the top of another dress. Egads, I need a stylist!