Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lefty Unplugged Plays for Cat's Rezday at Cat's Art MusikCircus

Your rezday in Second Life is much like your birthday in real life except  no-one goes to the mirror to start looking for wrinkles.  Yesterday was Cat's Rezday after six years in Second Life during which time she has devoted a highly determined effort toward bringing very good music for free to people she may not even know.

Lefty Unplugged knows well the gift Cat Boucher gives and he was very pleased to have the opportunity to play last night at Cat's Art MusikCircus, so pleased, in fact, that he played for almost two hours.  He really outdid himself in this one and it's pointless to describe music in text.  Even formal notation doesn't truly describe music, it only suggests it.

This is Lefty playing his set with a silent accompaniment from my new friend, Agleo.  I had met her before but last night I got to know her better and there will be more about her below.

Before the set started, Lefty was on an open mike getting set up and was a bit distraught with his electronics and his software to the point where he said that everything was going to go wrong, he could just feel it.  Well, any musician who doesn't feel that apprehension before a set is probably just playing covers of The Beatles for people who listen while they eat potato chips.  As I'm sure you have guessed, Lefty's set didn't go wrong at all and it would be tough to pick the best part of it.

In two hours he played many songs and this won't be a comprehensive list but "Man in White" and "Time Moves On" are songs you just must hear.  Come to hear the work of a man who says he is a master of nothing but whose lyrics contradict that position quite emphatically.  He never grandstands with the guitar but he has excellent skills and the combination makes for an extraordinary performance.

Thank you, Lefty, for bringing a lot of love to the MusikCircus last night!

You can meet Lefty as Kevin Farrell on Facebook and expect a rare treat if you go from there to look at his videos on YouTube.

If you have never seen a unicorn on a trapeze then it's really about time you came to the MusikCircus.  Here is Agleo performing above us:

Trapeze work is only one of Agleo's skills as she is a quite gifted artist.  You can meet her as April Turner on Facebook and you can see her work at Videos of April Turner (her Web site is in German but you won't have any trouble using it).  What you will discover is that she works in a great variety of styles and mediums for an extensive array of paintings.  Her work is available for sale on her site and, as always, there is no compensation for this plug.  If I didn't like it, you wouldn't hear about it.

But this day was about Cat and here we danced with Lefty and Agleo in the background:

Happy Rezday and all my love to a most extraordinary lady who is all the more extraordinary in that she doesn't consider herself extraordinary at all.  She has been bringing music to people in Second Life for six years and she has been supporting musicians every way she possibly can.  While bringing music she has also been providing support for important causes such as War Child, an organisation dedicated to providing help for children injured by war.  Few can claim such a long record of service in music, Second Life, and, in fact, humanity in what she does and yet she doesn't consider herself extraordinary at all.  On this matter we disagree!

On your rezday there may be gifts and this one came from Merry Gildea:

This is the Fire Brigade Zeppelin and it is equipped with a water cannon and a bucket guaranteed to make fish out of whatever walks beneath it.  Little else is guaranteed in the operation of the Fire Brigade Zeppelin as Merry gives no assurance of safety to those who may choose to ride in it!  (The Zeppelin is flying in front of our house and if you look very carefully you will be able to see me looking out of it at you)

Thank you Merry Gildea!

Thank you everyone for making this a lovely rezday for Cat and showing her the love she has been showing Second Life for all these years!

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