Saturday, August 8, 2015

Trying to Compose an Adventure

One thing I know about America:  if I come back here a hundred years from now, they will still be arguing about abortion and prayer in school.  It's unbelievably boring.

Update:  they've been trying to equalize rights for women and to pass the Equal Rights Amendment since 1923 (seriously).  That one even tops abortion as they've only kept that going for about sixty years.  The ERA isn't far off one hundred.

It never stops.

So an adventure is necessary and that's what brings it to selling the kit.  I have not been able to make myself do anything yet although the steps have gelled and I know what order things need to happen.

The biggest fail is if sell off the kit and I'm sure I can get over there but I'm not sure it will be possible to get a scooter on arrival.  The scooter is mandatory as the only survival without wheels is in a city and that means big bucks.  Plus there's not much I want to see in a city anyway.

So that fail would mean I have no kit and I'm still stuck in Texas but that isn't anywhere.  Texas is just a way to somewhere else.  That's almost guaranteed death, from boredom if nothing else.

Assuming success, there are the two potential landing points in Greece or Spain.  The Morocco excursion appears to be a bad idea but maybe that's only if I try to bring something back.  There's a lot of drug trafficking through there so it's conceivable I could get myself over my head quickly.  Must consider that further.

(Ed:  you'll go to Spain just to go to Morocco to get some hash?)

You've got it backwards.  My purpose is to go to Morocco because it's another fascinating culture and it's close.  I will smoke hash if it's there because ... why not.

(Ed:  Carlson would bust you for that)

Yup but Isaac wouldn't.  Prof Isaac was one of my favorites and he spoke of a tribe he visited.  He got high with them and he remarked whatever it was gave him auditory hallucinations but nothing visual.  The look in his eyes was just like with any trippin' people, once you've seen it, you know.  From this it was clear it was something really unusual.  Sorry but I don't know what it was.  I've tried to conceive of what it must have been like and that's a novel exercise of its own.

Prof Carlson was the department head and I doubt he would have been amused.

Greece has strong potential even with poor language skills as I know I can communicate there already.

(Ed:  what about Germany?)

Can't as that would be the most selfish and vicious thing I could possibly do.  There's no chance I will barge in on Cat the way Bibi barged in on me.  It doesn't matter what I destroy so long as I get what I want.  Yah, right.

I have not dug out Bibi's beady eyes with a wooden spoon and put them in a package of Baskin Robbins ice cream to send to her fishwife of a daughter because if Bibi had not trashed the Tour, I would not have met Cat.

(Ed:  what about the music?)

It goes around in circles.  It seems selling the Galaxy Guitar is almost guaranteed suicide so I need a better outcome than that.

(Ed:  what's the point?)

There's no reason to look for a point if you already know what it is.  The converse is there's never a point in doing the same things repeatedly.

If you really think there is purpose, take a look at the world.  Show me a purpose besides making more humans.  Meaningful purpose in anything else has come, almost globally, to a halt.

The best the GOP has got for purpose is kill the Muslims.  The best the Dems have got is to whine about what assholes comprise the GOP.  Game over.

So start another one elsewhere.  This will go around in circles for some while yet, I suspect.

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