Sunday, August 9, 2015

Perseids Meteor Shower - Only Three Shopping Days Remain

The Perseids Meteor Show, the most spectacular and prolific of them all, peaks on the nights of August 12-13.  If you only see one meteor shower in your life then this is the one and particularly this year because it will be a new or nearly-new Moon (i.e. dark).  Some project even a hundred meteors an hour.

The big jackpot is if it becomes a Meteor Storm and that won't mess you up like that genius of a Delta pilot who flew into a thunderstorm yesterday.  A Meteor Storm is when the count of meteors per hours goes very high and I've never seen one but it must be an extraordinary phenomenon to behold.

August 12-13

If it's possible, the best move is to get outside any city and away from the city lights.  Taking yer honey to a city park is OK if you want to woo her with the view of a smoggy Moon but, out in the country, you will see stars ... and a whole lot of meteors.

Update of excellent tips from a seasoned meteor watcher:

Get into dark country and get there at least 30 minutes early to allow your eyes to adjust.

Hilltops are best.  This year there are reported to be a larger number of fireballs expected.  In the better viewing areas you can expect 40-50 per hour.  Some say up to 100 but that would include even the faintest streaks that you will rarely actually see.
70 degree summer night perfect for 3am viewing

Note:  the Delta pilot messed that aircraft right up as both windshields were broken and the radar unit in the nosecone was destroyed.  Maybe next time he will consider going around the thunderstorm.  Just a thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get into dark country And get there at least 30 minutes early to allow your eyes to adjust.
Hilltops are best. This year there are reported to be a larger number of fireballs expected. In the better viewing areas you can expect 40-50 per hour. Some say up to 100 but that would include even the faintest streaks that you will rarely actually see.
70 degree summer night perfect for 3am viewing