Sunday, August 16, 2015

"Every Sperm is Sacred" - Monty Python (video)

The song gets me thinking of "Ice Cream Blues" when it, um, melts right in your hand.

In our view, the Catholic Church is the only branch of Christianity which is worth much of anything and that's largely because the other branches are just twigs, pop singers doing bad covers of the original and most of it auto-tuned.

The Vatican has done some demonic stuff over the years and they know better than anyone else the need to continue training in exorcism as they've been so proficient in creating demons themselves.

Note:  the topic is interesting reading as the exorcist or maybe he was the chief exorcist is a brilliant guy.  This is not Hollywood.

Nevertheless, the Vatican evolves and accepted evolutionary theory quite some time ago.  Their interest in science is high because they don't want to be made to look like fools by some whizkid scientist.  They won't be as fast as you might like to come to the conclusion of the rightness of something but they will do the research.

With Catholics, one can have a rational discussion on something such as my perception the Garden of Eden myth is the canonical condemnation of women and is the modern foundation of the subjugation of women.

Here at the Rockhouse, we suspect many Catholics may well agree but the salient question in response is 'what would you do about it?'


Let's leave that open as we don't have a fixed answer except we know burning the Bible is not it.  People have great fun just now burning Confederate flags and toppling statues of Jefferson Davis but these are just effigies, burning them will not solve the problem.

While we find depravity in what many make of religion, we find encouragement in Pope Francis even though he really does believe every sperm is sacred.  The truth of his words needs no explanation and we mean in the context of his observations on world affairs.  His analysis is sharp and incisive and, most abhorrent to conservatives, truthful.

Not all Catholics are conservatives, I get that.  You're quite a varied lot so I don't know how you all figure that out but it's not important as I'm not a Catholic.

In general, the tone today has been a review of people whose water should be reclaimed for the good of the tribe.  We did not want to consider Pope Francis in the same context of any of those rubbishy humans as there are some the tribe really needs and we are quite sure he is one of them.  Therefore, he is presented by himself.

Side-note of some relevance:

We have a recording here at the Rockhouse called "Spirit of the Lord" but we don't know if it's a cover.  The CD was given to me by a friend in confidence so I cannot reveal her name because ... avatars.  Facebook borked all hell out of privacy so all we can do with this song is ask if anyone knows who she was because we have lost track.

We love the song as a recent theme was if Christian bands don't suck, why don't we ever hear them.  We have heard of them being reviewed as thunderous and that's fine but where are they.  It's rhetorical as I don't care.  If they were any good, someone would already have told me.  So, I tell you "Spirit of the Lord" kicks ass.  It's not raw metal but more of a power pop but it is one long ton of power.  Her guitarist belts out the chords and she sings with magnificent passion.

This has become a bit of a quest.  Who was she???  (I know I have posed these previously and not just here.  I've also searched by the name I know and with no luck.)

Note:  the object isn't to record but rather to say hello and hopefully find a link I can share.  I tell you the song kicks ass.

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