Thursday, August 13, 2015

Daddy Box to Prevent Teen Texting While Driving

The Daddy Box controls the ignition of your car and prevents your teen driver from texting because it will shut off the ignition if it detects a cellphone texting signal.  Cars are heavily-computerized so why have makers not created a linkage which detects cell phone texting and either flashes the lights of the car on and off to warn other drivers or shuts off the ignition.

A question was raised about the kid using the cellphone anyway, causing the ignition to stop on the highway, and, presto, one dead kid.

We don't buy that as we are assuming Daddy is not raising morons.  Daddy has told the daughter about the Daddy Box and she doesn't like it but she knows what it does.  Maybe she even throws some tantrums but, so what, she's got to be alive to throw a tantrum.

Alex:  Like a text-alizer.

Alan:  The product now has a name. What say we go make a few million!

Alex:  Problem is how do you get the car to recognize the difference between receiving a text or call and actually answering or opening the text

Alex:  Could work

Alan:  I believe it could. There are any number of cellphone interceptors so electronically detecting the texting code is assigned to that unit. Programmer boys: make that. Passing the signal to the car's brainbox is only a matter of sending a line high. The car stays locked until the line goes low again. Car boys: make that.

Your job: pay them right. Stop fights. Stick the finished bits together. Go off and make millions.

I get 10% right?? (larfs)

Alex:  Wouldn't u get at least 25% jts ur idea?  Oh wait, this is America.  You'd only get 5%.  Isn't that how it works or is that still too generous?

Alan:  For real - laughing out loud

Alan:  For your next millions, you make the Daddy Box and this one plugs into the ignition but only Daddy can remove it.  The car will still start if you have the key for it.  Within this unit is the type or circuitry suggested above. Text signal detect and the ignition switches off.

Sell 'em for $59.95 and there's not a parent of teens in the country who wouldn't buy it.

Somebody make this shit.  Kids are getting killed behind this stuff.

Alan:  There is one teeny weeny, tiny, little problem

Rough estimate on operating capital to build prototypes will be four or five million as a ten-body staff at $100K a pop is a million annual in staffing alone. And that's just for the electronics people. If you don't have a working prototype on the table in two years or less, you'll never make it on that budget.

Alex:  No design, no capital, no luck

Alan:  You've got the design.  You just need some wankers to build it.  You're the God in this realm. Enjoy the power.  Try to avoid screwing the secretarial staff.   More gods (i.e. generals) have ended up in the toilet that way.

Alex:  But...but...the secretaries!

Alan:  Yah, that part is a problem, isn't it.  You do know how many generals have ended up in the toilet for that, yes??

Alex:  Oh yea lol

Alan:  I'm sure you already know to keep yer bizness at home (larfs)

Alan H:   And it differentiates between the driver and a passenger operating the phone how? Hands free?

Alan F:  Excellent point.  Each phone must have something unique in the signal it sends.  The suggestion on that one is learning code in the Daddy Box which Daddy uses to identify the daughter's phone.  That doesn't stop her from borrowing a friend's phone and using that, however.  Kids are highly-determined when it comes to getting themselves killed.

Perhaps this seems like dodging as it does to me but I believe it's a fair response.  We can only provide only so much protection and implementing more may be more dangerous than what we are trying to protect from happening due to what they may try to do to circumvent it.

Note: I refer to the driver as 'she' because most of the deaths I've seen from texting have been teen girls. If that estimation is in error, I apologize.


Anonymous said...

no worries the government will mandate it
along with plastic bubbles

Unknown said...

Really not interested in the government as the message is to Daddy. If I had a teen daughter and this device were available, I do believe I would buy it. As to others, how should I know but I've seen way too many articles about kids getting splattered this way.

The reason I write it is maybe some rich guy sees it and thinks, hmmm, at $59.95, I can make one ton of money even if I only sell them at Wal-Mart. Rich guy gets richer and some undetermined number of kids remain not dead. I like it.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a few Daddys might
GPS locators and multiple other trackers that text Daddy if the car speeds etc but they dont sell well
The only way teenage kids wont die while driving cars is to not drive cars They believe they are invincible

Anonymous said...

They will find a way arouns any device. They have a friend who will hack it

Anonymous said...

The government comment was a suggestion but more a comment on how intrusive it has become

Unknown said...

You know perfectly well who created the intrusions.