Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Tuning Your Aluminium Hat

Wearing an aluminium hat is all very well if your only objective is to communicate with the Flying Spaghetti Monster but what did you learn when he said, "I am Groot."

Not helpful.

So, it's important to tune your aluminium hat so it does what it was truly intended to do and that, naturally, is to communicate with the space aliens orbiting the Earth in a spacecraft that's oscillating between different physical dimensions to prevent detection by the paltry forces on the ground.

A similar phenomenon of oscillating between dimensions exists as Steven Hawking tells us what's wrong with One Direction.  It's easy for Hawking as he changes dimensions all the time and he doesn't seem to realize One Direction is not in the same dimension as this one.

Steve, buddy, Pink Floyd was cool.  One Direction ... not cool.  Carry on.

Speaking of multiple dimensions, perhaps you heard of the person in a wheelchair who won a treadmill on "The Price is Right" thus proving the price can be right and wrong at once and this demonstrates, once again, the multi-dimensional aspect of cats and boy bands.

(Ed:  so what?)

No idea

(Ed:  are you stoned?)


(Ed:  try that.  Whatever you are on now is not working)

Roger that, Cap'n.

(Pause for refreshment)

So we observe the apparent disharmony in the political matrix of the Republican Party in which the divisive nature of the Tea Party forces abandonment of a Republican initiative and thus contributes further to crippling the party from within.  This lack of unity is symptomatic of ...

(Ed:  this is what reefer does to you?)

Yes.  I hate it too (sob)

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