Monday, May 4, 2015

Pamela Geller and the World's First Fascist Duckface w/pic

Check this.  There you have it, kids.  The world's first Fascist Duckface.  Brought to you because we love you and, well, don't think a whole hell of a lot of Pamela Geller.  She's the one who provoked the attack in Dallas and she knew what she was doing as she was blogging about it almost before the bodies hit the ground.  She got precisely what she wanted as publicity means contributions.  So, where does that money go, honey?

If that ain't make-up by the ice cream scoop, then you tell me how she got all that stuff on there without Banksy or an automotive spray gun.  If you hosed her down, you might make her presentable but otherwise she'd have to tend the horses because no chance she will pass as one of the pleasure girls.

Unfair?  Really.  Where's the audit for where the money goes.  My unverified bet is the organization is not tax-free and there isn't any particular accountability.  She obviously spends a lot on make-up and Botox but where does the rest of it go.

She did get one thing right as she said 'the war is here.'  Of course it is.  She provoked it.

If taking blood money makes you lose any sleep, this one will have a whole lot of wrinkles by the time she gets any older.

Try this one for a test ride:  Hebdo Redux in Garland, Texas? ‘Mohammed Cartoon’ Shooting Reeks of a Staged False Flag

Yah, yah, strip off the aluminum hat and please do get to my point that she's not a moron and she knew exactly what she would incite.

Je ne suis pas Pamela Geller

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