Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Know the Enemy: Marine Le Pen, France National Front

Pamela Geller is a dime-store amateur but Marine Le Pen has been stoking a hate train for years and is a large part of France's extreme-right National Front.

Her father was the idiot who struck a pose like Hitler but someone took a picture of him so he's out and his daughter is in.  As you see, she is considerably better at striking a conciliatory pose but the message is identical.  Get Muslims out of France by any means necessary.

Extraordinary how her pose resembles that of Clinton.  Maybe bombers don't vary much.  Clinton is one of the by any means necessary crowd as well and she has been for years.  She can't disavow all the killing she has backed.

The problem with hate isn't emotional but rather these people make big bucks on it.  Unclear what made it so fashionable but these ones ride it all the way to the bank just like they were investing in IBM typewriters.

There are right-wing extremists of exactly this nature in U.S.  Pamela Geller is just the latest opportunist and will never go anywhere but the bank.  Note above that Clinton is guilty of the same thing but she's way, way smoother at hiding it.

This has nothing to do with the GOP but rather it has to do with humanity.  The GOP is deeply-fractured with those who got onboard for financial conservatism but didn't bargain on a nuke war.  Then you have the extremists who actually talk of how a nuke war is survivable.  There is no one word that describes the party anymore.  Democrat, as we've seen the last eight years, doesn't mean anything at all.

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