Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Next Yosemite 10.10.3 Crash Means Go to the Apple Store

The most delightful of computer problems is when the heavies aren't sure if it's software or hardware.  The pursuit thus far has been after a software problem but the latest response is that it has to be hardware so take it to the Apple Store.

Mostly what I'm doing with it is observing it.  I don't do anything that can't tolerate being interrupted as there's no question it will be.

So, I observe.  The SMC reset has been performed precisely according to Apple's instructions.  If it this does not fix it then the advice is go to the Apple Store.

(Ed:  the warranty is with PowerMax?)

Yes but there's no way to send it there.  I have the box, etc but that would add a week to turning it around and without a solid guarantee it will be fixed.  This requires more discussion as they may want to smash Yosemite in the process of trying to resolve it.  That's not clumsiness but possible necessity.

There are so many people having trouble with Yosemite 10.10.3 for me to be convinced it's really a hardware problem but getting all Facebook and arguing about it is pointless.  The steps will be followed exactly as described.  If they do not fix the problem then that becomes a diagnostic for whatever follows.  This sucks worse than a cockroach sandwich but, wtf, I guess there's protein in it.

This is for your information as I may be down for a while as it will be a bit complex getting the computer back here.

I don't know if I can wire up the laptop while the iMac is out as I have so completely hit my wiring threshold.  It's been well over thirty years of it and I don't want to do it anymore, that's why I always get Macs.

Right now that doesn't work out too well but it will.  All of this is for your information as I don't want anyone thinking I'm sitting around whining and hoping Doctor Oz will bring some magic ointment.  Yesterday went around eighteen hours almost straight.  The problem is being hammered by all deliberate means and the steps listed above are the next ones required.

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