Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Iraq and Knowing What I Know Now

For the all-time most spineless answers to a valid question, ask any of the Presidential candidates from either party whether they would vote to support the Iraq bombing.

This not about party politics but rather spinelessness.

Rubio wouldn't say anything and just weaseled out of any kind of answer.

Clinton said she made a mistake 'plain and simple' but things are a little different when I make a plain and simple mistake as typically it doesn't result in the deaths of thousands of Americans and a staggering number of Iraqis.

Bush, predictably, said he would have made the same decision.  That doesn't make him much of a President but at least he's marginally honest about it and gets some points for bro loyalty.  He's no more imaginative than a land snail but so it goes.

There's one candidate after the other dancing away from his or her original support for bombing Iraq.

When you 'make a mistake' that results in countless thousands of deaths, you own it and there's no changing your vote by saying you just made a mistake.

If you're going to elect a leader of the free world, isn't it appropriate to expect the qualified candidate to be equipped with a backbone?

With Rubio's weasel answer, the best gig he can get in this game is as a cheerleader.  Love your pom poms, baby.

And Clinton … Ms Peace and Love was making fighter deals with Pakistan.  If it was a mistake to go off wasting all these people, she's got a lot more than a single vote to explain.  She's been in the thick of the bombing for much of Obama's administration.  You can't fault the Republicans and then act like your hands were tied.

This is not about politics but a gross abuse of power by both parties ever since that murderous exercise was launched.  The senate investigation was clear on their estimation of what happened and based on review of the documents, whether there was any fact to them, etc.  The conclusion was substantial deception by the Bush administration.

Now the candidates react like they're on Dancing with the Stars.  Just try to get a straight answer out of them.  Without that answer, voting for that candidate is as close to an act of suicide as anyone ought to get.

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