Sunday, March 1, 2015

Second Life Performs Swimmingly with New Used Computer

The change in performance of Second Life is one of the most dramatic boosts I've seen thus far.  Going into the virtual world was close to painful as the laptop would overheat and everything took soooooo long.  The increased memory and the improved video card are likely a huge part of the boost.  Another big part of it is going to a desk machine from a laptop as the performance of the latter has been historically horrible and laptops are the rock bottom worst performance value of any type of computer.  (I don't count tablets and cellphones as being even close to computing devices.)

Here's a pic from SL

That's the stage at Cat's Art MusikCircus and it looks to me like graphics work just fine.  Yes, that's a cat on my shoulder, not The Cat, tho.

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