Monday, March 30, 2015

Marine Le Pen and Her Band of Nukes

Marine Le Pen is Queen of the Fascists in France and she's banking on the same pick-something-and-hate-it approach of every two-bit despot from Hitler on down.  This is all part of the overall PEGIDA white supremacy movement with examples all over the world.

In the recent election, Le Pen's National Fascist Party got a significant increase in representation and the left is steadily fading.  Le Pen sues if you call her a fascist but the shoes fit perfectly.  She's got the same Harmless Hausfrau look as Clinton but trusting either one of them makes little sense given their records.

The beauty part of Marine Le Pen coming to full power in France is the country has one of the largest nuclear capabilities in the world.  When there was above-ground nuclear bomb testing taking place, France did a lot of it.

Hitler didn't have nukes, he just wanted them.  For Marine Le Pen, they're already there and France has had a steady business as a weapons manufacturer.

All the while, the GOP goes on about the huge nuclear threat in Iran when it doesn't have much of anything.

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