Saturday, March 21, 2015

Vaporizing Myself

For downtown Fort Worth, it was important to me not to vaporize the people as I want the effect that the city eats them and I see that said better without effects.  You go into the city and, man, it doesn't just suck your soul ... it sucks you up altogether, man.  For me this gives a nice portrayal of the heartless, soulless, metal and glass corporation sucking up the innocent people, blah, blah ... but I don't have to write any boring editorial.

The premise is there's only one thing to do when the end of the world is coming:  throw a party.  This has been covered previously in building this thing but the conclusion just occurred to me.  I have to vaporize too only presumably now it really is the end of the world so do I vaporize myself or blow up everything.

When lasers are firing, it will be difficult to vaporize myself as it would be obvious where I made the cut to make my exit.  Therefore, maybe it would be better to explode.  How about a nice fireball, a big cloud of smoke and ... fade to black.

(Ed:  when I think of salvation, explosions are usually not part of it)

Good point.  Copping the plea that musical salvation is different doesn't even get off the table.

It seemed cool but the idea now fades.  This is very much a spiritual thing but blowing up the world and really finishing it makes a mess out of any idea of a Second Coming because I've just dusted Jesus' LZ so the Second Coming is a scratch.

This isn't about being over-sensitive but rather why should I step on that story if it's not necessary.  My story is the heartless, soulless city will eat you but there is salvation in music.  There is more credibility to my story if it doesn't needlessly step on any other.

But how the hell does that end ...

I thought I had it with the explosion but that's a bust.  That means more research.

(Ed:  have you rolled it yet?)

Roger that.

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