Monday, March 14, 2016

Oy, There's a Trumpist in the Family

And, no, mateys, this is not about music; I mean (cough) one of those ... Trumpists.

Lotho is closer to a Goldwater Republican in listening to reason and keeping religion out of it even while his beliefs are strong and real.  From what I hear from him, he knows the GOP is in trouble with some really sorry candidates but he's not really believing Bernie Sanders can fulfill the things he says.  I didn't hear from him any problem with Sanders' honesty but rather there's a credibility problem regarding whether he can deliver.  Fair enough and it's on Sanders to resolve that.  I believe he has done that but he needs to do that some more so people understand it from him rather than me birddogging him as a half-ass pundit.

Doc has gone full-out neocon and he carries the overt anger Lotho doesn't seem to have.  Lotho knows too Doc has always been angry about something and no intention to try to shrink that but no-one who knows him is likely to deny he's an angry guy.  There were angry outbursts here recently and it's looking more and more he is a Trumpist, you think?

Note:  I tell you flat, I have not been provoking him anywhere.  I'll ask questions sometimes but unlikely they would have been regarded as incendiary.

It's not my purpose to slash him but rather it's mystifying.  He turned into a first-rate wrench man but really inside he was a Philosophy professor who would have done better as Mister Chips.  He was a lot like his ol' Dad for that and saying that may piss him off but it's an ok risk, that's no insult.  Everybody loves Mister Chips, man (larfs).

"Goodbye Mister Chips" is quite awful because they made a musical out of it but Peter O'Toole did such an outstanding job of playing him and Petula Clark was adorable as his wife.  (It wasn't really a musical but rather a movie with songs in it.  Don't ever do that!)

 Part of the anger with me I suspect is my writing as I've been doing it a long, long time and I better have acquired some skill at it after all that.  His experience is almost the opposite in acquiring great skills in his chosen pursuit and doing a great deal of reading but you need the writing to express it clearly.  When I bring strong writing skills to it, battling me is a formidable thing ... until you realize there is no battle.

Kannafoot knows it and regulars have seen his positions are opposite mine in various things and some I find abhorrent but there are no personal shots and any discussion is dispassionate toward revealing something one or many may not know.  There's nothing patronizing in those discussions or neither of us would participate.  Just as with Doc, he should have been a History professor as I have no doubt he would have loved being Mister Chips and Kannafoot doesn't have any kids either, just like Chips.  He wasn't married but there were always girls hanging about with him.

He draws lots of young ones too and I'd raise an eyebrow at him but he would laugh and say eat yer heart out.  The ones I call babies are in their twenties or so don't read that wrong (larfs).  So what should I say to a girl in her twenties ... hey, you look kinda groovy ... wanna ball?  (I can't help it.  Just call me Casanova.)

Note:  brief back story is Mister Chips was a hard instructor, hard but fair.  Over his long tenure, the student body came to love him for exactly those things and they came back after graduation to visit with he and his wife.  The greatest sign of respect for a professor is when your students come back to see you.

This is no smackdown but rather I wonder why.  Trump is way past politics and has gone beyond into some kind of mob madness which is really appalling.  This isn't about politics but rather about humanity.

There are only two GOP candidates left (finally) as Rubio the Silly Shavetail will humiliate himself entirely on Tuesday and Kasich never did develop a personality, likely he's gone on Tuesday as well.  He's from Ohio and I have never known him to have a personality.  That's unfortunate as he was despicable but not as much of a raving lunatic as Trump or Cruz.

Note:  despicable for killing Planned Parenthood in Ohio.

When there are only two choices left and both are bad, now what.  Do you choose one just to spite Democrats or what's the next move?

(Ed:  I hate rhetorical questions!)

Me too.  Why, oh why, do I keep posing them.

Trumpist or no, anyone is screwed with that guy as the cancer he created has majorly metastasized and now he can't control it but he never understood it anyway.  More than likely that leaves Cruz who, at least, has not been observed performing quite so many public bowel movements such as with Trump although he is not so much different.

Doc has too much of a mind to be swayed as with the simpleminded goons who are beating people at Trump rallies so the process is an ongoing mystery and sure it's a wonder because this thinking isn't something the family has supported going back generations; Frasers have been Labor for eons.  The source of it doesn't matter but rather wtf is the content of it.

Is the thinking of carpet bombing Syria with the B-52s currently or soon to be flying over Syria so this wipes out the scourge of ISIS and sets the world free.

Is the thinking the GOP really does have something better than the Affordable Care Act which is not the one payer plan of Bernie Sanders.  I've seen multiple mediocre plans from the GOP as alternatives but none of them offered anything and instead took things away (i.e. all remove any form of socialized support and kill Medicare as well, if possible).

The warring of the parties in Syria has caused the biggest flow of war-time refugees since WWII in parallel with the biggest resistance to helping them.  Everywhere they are blown off with accusations of sleeper terrorists but where is the logic?

If ISIS will plant sleeper terrorists in Germany, why would they go about raping women as they were accused of doing over the holidays.  That exposes them and greatly increases the probability of closed borders (i.e. exactly what happened afterward) so that leaves no way or great difficulty of supplying their 'troops' within Germany.  My take is if there were real ISIS terrorists inside Germany, the rapists would have been murdered for making problems for the cause (assuming there is one).

Notice the attacks are or were mostly in Köln / Cologne, a center of PEGIDA.  That may well be significant since no-one hates refugees more vehemently than PEGIDA.

(Ed:  are you accusing PEGIDA of a hoax?)

Possibly so.  It does appear credible to me.  Don't underestimate their evil as they have full-out NAZI bands behind them and they know precisely how far they can go without getting arrested.  They present raw, grungy rock and do it in a highly-professional way and in a big rock way.  Don't for one moment underestimate the support behind a hate group.

It's not that Doc is this or that ... but ... what's the logic, what's the logic??


Anonymous said...

Several problems here. I dont like The Berns ideas but also but believe he could bring any to fruition. And he certainly cant pay for them.
I dont see any problem defunding planned parenthood. That should be paid by the people using it not every person in the country. That is not because what thry do but who receives the benefits of what they do.
And to the conspiracy theory is ridiculous with zero available support. That problem is more a result of many nations view of women look at the out of control gang rape issues in India and Pakistan.
I doubtvthink those rapes have anything to do with ISIS but just thug mob mentality.

All elections have to choices bad and worse hasnt changed in my lifetime
This time Trump the Thug vs Hillary the lying cheating money whore

Anonymous said...

This is why we can't have a conversation " The GOP position, possibly deliberately inflammatory, is there is no mandate on a business to do anything except make money and ethics / morality are not a consideration in that. There is no exaggeration in that statement as the hardline GOP believes it".You speak in absolutes with no foundation, is not the definition of racism lumping a group together and defining the entire group on your perceptions or limited experiences with that group. Andy

March 11, 2016 at 10:05 AM
I don't see the "angry outburst" on the only reply I have put on your blog in a long time, thjat was simply an explanation of the fact that discussion is not a one way street. You claim I'm an "angry" guy as if you know me, you know nothing about me or how I live, you come back from your self imposed isolation and insult myself and my family.Nobody else knows of your "deathwatch " claims and I won't elaborate here. You claim to know my politics and my state of mind, you have no clue. I believe in personal responsibility pure and simple. I blame no one else for my actions or their consequences. I loaned my brother a car when he was younger and he hit a policeman with it, the obvious consequence was a wrecked car, my fault. I went on a ride with that same brother and wrecked his motorcycle, massive physical consequences, I was advised by morons to sue him, how could he possibly be responsible for my actions. My only regrets for that situation is I was not in a position to make his bike right.I have had 4 major surgeries on that arm, my dominant arm. I broke my opposite wrist playing on rollerblades with my kids, my fault s.... happens. I cut three fingers off my dominant hand on a saw designed for right handed people, I was again advised by morons to sue the manufacturer for doing something I never should have done, didn't happen. After three stents were put in my heart, six months later they missed one and put in another, yeah you got it again advised to sue. My greatest regret to date was calling Annette and asking for Aileen's phone number, I at that time did not realize Annette's full condition and waited to long for that . I never got to talk to Aileen while she was capable of responding, I will take that mistake to my grave. Unfortunately you mistake anger for the fact that life gets in the way, there are simply more important things in my life than pointless argument. Andy

Unknown said...

Hmm ... got another reference to what I said previously was not from my words but rather from a friend conservative and nothing was exaggerated. I understand the GOP is heavily-polarized and this is one example. I can't possibly know how much that characterizes the GOP as a whole but I don't really think anyone knows when it's so fragmented.

About anger, man, you have a reputation for it, seriously. I'm not going to go gravedigging for evidence in the deep and distant past or whatever.

Yah, I know you got huge smashed-up and it kind of sucks that no-one comes around but they didn't much with me either except Anne and Alex but it was easier for them then.

My own accountability on the biggest bike crash has been out here multiple times: I broke the First Biker Law: don't let the fuckers hit you.

As to accountability in others, I don't see much. The guy who hit me had low-rent insurance and skated. Liberty Mutual canceled my medical and skated. GEICO refused cover on the kit which was stolen and skated.

As to accountability for lives collapsing, it happens for multiple reasons and the general perception is false that people in such situation are all greedy, lazy pigs.

There's no accountability for the military as they can build as many aircraft carriers as they like and no-one even asks what they cost. Zero accountability of any kind and the new stuff often doesn't even work (e.g. USS Zumwalt, F-35, etc).

In any case, when there's no clear statement and you're obviously hard core Republican, there are only two choices left so then it becomes a process of deduction and it's puzzling when there's no good answer.

So we don't agree on abortion. Lotho doesn't agree with me either but it really doesn't matter what any of us believes as you think Sanders is stirring up a revolution, just turn over abortion rights and there's no predicting how big that will blow.

I don't like abortion either but there's nothing I can do about it and that's not fatalism but rather I won't send a woman to a chop shop. History shows she will go and I won't have that blood on my hands. There's probably less disagreement than you may imagine. There's no way anyone will settle this without, a la Goldwater, removing religion from the discussion. To my taste, the discussion is pointless since it can't be overturned anyway even with a win.

Still haven't heard anything about the most interesting thing: your guitars. Believe it or not as you will but that hurt although that doesn't change at all my interest. Seeing them hanging on the wall is concerning as I hope you know the importance of detuning a guitar if it will not be played for a while. That mistake has cost me more than once and I was reminded again this morning. Playing is difficult so it's been about a week and the tuning was way sharp. Going flat is not terrible but you know sharp is a killer and temperature is enough to do it.

Unknown said...

I see the rape problems in many places and have been suspicious of what has been chalked to terrorists in Germany. You don't like conspiracies either so fair enough. No problem with that as I have no problem believing this was out of control punks. Köln is in what was East Germany and it's riddle with PEGIDA people hating all kinds of things. Cat has remarked multiple times and how it would be good to put the wall back up again (larfs).

Defunding Planned Parenthood isn't so easy as who pays for it as many can't go anywhere else for privacy reasons, no money, or this or that. I see your logic and presumably insurance doesn't pay for optional boob jobs or so but I really can't classify abortion as an optional thing. If a woman has decided to end a pregnancy, it's far past an optional thing and I know there are examples of complete dimwits abusing it but there are many more examples of women who did not and I'm sure you know many as well.

As to choosing between the Thug and the Whore is about where I saw you sitting and I do believe a bit more of a listen to Sanders may make that clear if you like. Tomorrow will be the telling on whether there's a political revolution or a crapshoot. He has to play big when he goes industrial. Mandatory.

Anonymous said...

Sanders is honest but not a choice as he is further to the left than you are.
Your logic of we should fund abortion to prevent her from doing it herself is just flawed. My religion doesnt tell me abortion is wrong my living children tell me abortion is wrong.
Note to Andy as I could fix your car you never needed to contemplate fixing by bike. I always thought that was a wash Even though you were the rider I have felt guilty for hitting those corners harder than you were comfortable. And I should have known no Fraser can refuse a challenge

Anonymous said...

I dont see the privacy issues. I pay all my daughters Dr bills but I am not allowed access to any of thier records without thier permission. So if they wanted to get an abortion. They could and all I would see is a bill from the clinic and a EOB from the insurance company deleting all the information of the procedures

Anonymous said...

An abortion is most certainly an optional procedure for probably 90% or more of the abortions performed

Unknown said...

Opinion on whether it's an optional procedure. Not much more progress to be made on that. I still maintain there's nothing anyone can do about it because turning it over will make Bernie's revolution look like a cake walk. Anyone over twelve knows the mistake of underestimating an angry female! (larfs)

As to abortion privacy, it's hardly private when you get parades of yokels outside the clinic ranting and acting like damn fools.

As to the crash, yah, that was my take on it as well: no fault due to mutual fuckups in different ways but he paid a high price for a mistake as anyone will with big bikes.

As you also know, there was a lot left out of the Doc statement so my conclusion is unchanged: angry. I've said or done some things some thought were shitty and I've been flogged for them but that's the only accountability I've seen for anything in that period. When I'm the only sinner, the testimony is unfortunate.

I'm not going to itemize anything as that's not the point since the only way to be real ... is be real.

I didn't really get how the stents in the heart had anything to do with accountability. He hadn't smoked for decades and he didn't hammer drugs to anywhere near the extent I did so why should his heart get troubled like that. I can see that accountability in others and in myself with my smokes, which I haven't denied, but I don't see his heart troubles as any more than a screw over. Maybe he did some hugely abusive stuff I didn't see but he was so finished with drugs he wouldn't even take an aspirin ... and that was, oh, forty years ago.

That part is mystifying but being sorry doesn't offer anything and of course I am but that doesn't change that he's too young. So am I but I know I brought it on myself. With him I don't see that so, no, I don't understand that situation. Maybe he's been plagued with high cholesterol as Anne was but I still don't see accountability so much as a genetic screw when it didn't happen with other sibs. I've never had that trouble, Queen Bee seems her constitution is durable enough for another thirty years, unknown if that troubles you but generally it seems you've been health as a ox with the only liability being enjoying your chow.

I do seriously think there's some association with cancer in New England as the only ones in the family who have had any contact with it are Tinkerbell and I. My situation is obviously far less significant than hers but still no-one else has been diagnosed with malignancy, to my knowledge. I don't see any accountability for her as no-one ever lived as healthy as she has. Maybe the smokes contributed but I'm no doctor, it just seems unlikely or we would hear more of that connection with other women.

Anonymous said...

note to Andy. should say couldnt fix the car

Anonymous said...

PS suing me at that time would have yielded less than blood from a stone.
And it seems as he is stating personal accountability Yes the stents might be a bad example. I dont know the history as to wether that was bad living or bad genetics.
The other examples seem valid
I cant comment on his politics I have no idea what they are
I dont think you can blame new england for cancer with a patient study of two. More likely is the fact that the two of you have smoked for over 40 years
And yes my only health issue is to lose about 20 lbs.

Unknown said...

I know it's thin as hell on New England but that's part of the desperation for an answer in why she gets screwed when she does nothing wrong.

You may be right about the smoking linkage but I haven't seen much verbiage on that. It seems there may have been something in the distance but it didn't get too loud.

I don't think it's that I try to absolve either of us of making the same mistake but maybe that's what I do. Even though it makes no sense probably whatsoever, it's kind of comforting to sort of explain something which can't possibly happen.

It's similar with Barbie as she made some hellacious mistakes but she paid much higher than many for them. That seems one hell of a harsh judgment.

We got along until not all that long ago because I always did ok on staying out of the combat and there was so much of it. Then there was a move which to this day I don't understand. I tried to get back but it was moving too fast by then and I wasn't in time. Andy will never forgive himself and neither will I.

I'm happy for Queen Bee for her health but it's kind of sad as we will all be dog food and she probably goes on for some while but that seems kind of lonesome. I wouldn't fret as she seems to have boatloads of friends.

Anonymous said...

Smoking might not be the answer as neither of you have lung cancer. But you lung issues are 100% related to smoking

Unknown said...

Never denied and multiple evidences for that on the blog. You won't find anywhere the idea those mean Marlboro boys tricked me some wimp crap like that (larfs).

Where I may have some denial is how much of a part the reefer played in that but it still goes to the same point: I did it to myself.

Anonymous said...

The stent example is purely my bad choice of doctors led to a missed blocked artery, therefore additional surgery. Can't really blame the dr shit happens. I don't complain of my situation I work everyday and enjoy life. You again totally miss the point, you don't know me or my life. Just as I believe in personal responsibility, we should let Darwin's law run it's course, government meddling to improve the weakest' odds is the road to total failure. PS don't read weakest as under privileged poorest etc, it means as it says weakest.Andy

Unknown said...

There's no way to discover your point without talking about it.

'Again you miss' - this kind of move is part of case building. No need for that as there are no points to be made in that regard.

We get some serious content in the last bit. Kind of harsh, in my view, as that's dropping people in vegetative coma, etc?? The scope is not clear from what you say. Some are just loons. They're not stupid and they're not dangerous but no sense ever comes out of them and they're functionally useless. Hit the eject button on those as well? It's just not clear.