Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Twiddling the Knobs

Skipping most of the geekish which has been covered previously, the level sliders for the mixer were all set to Unity and the Gain controls for each channel were set to taste.  The result was sounding good ... even if it's a ridiculous way to do it.

This means re-mix the back tracks as the levels on them aren't the same.  In effect, I have to master the tracks for the back track mix in much the same way as one does it for a CD.  It's not a huge deal, it's just a nuisance.


I have high confidence this will work based on what I've discovering in listening to it in playing just now.  The purpose to this is to ensure that which gets recorded is the same or as close as possible to what I'm hearing here.  That was definitely not true for "Making Rainbows" and hence the campaign now to fix that.

In "Making Rainbows," you can't make much of the back tracks except for the percussion.  That is specifically not what I was hearing here.  I'm getting more and more sure what I am doing now will fix that.  Things are not ready for a video yet but that's the next move because that will give the validation it really works correctly.

This applies exactly the same to what you hear in SL.  The better I get this tuned, the more accurately you will hear what it sounds like in the Rockhouse and I'm making good progress with it.

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