Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Greek Barbecue

Nathalie invited me to their barbecue this evening and the reason for this article is that March 7 is an important day before Carnival in which all Greeks barbecue.  I didn't quite follow the explanation but I do know for sure that Harry was putting beef, pork, and chicken on the grill and the result was marvelous.  I also don't know what this means for Carnival as that was about a month ago in Brazil and New Orleans but, as with those places, it is a celebration prior to Easter.  The celebration of Easter isn't on the same schedule as the Roman Catholic timing but we can leave it to theologists to argue over who does it right.

This was quite a lovely time and I won't describe at all the dinner except to say how much I enjoyed it and how lucky I am to have such beautiful people in my life.

There was discussion of Web sites and that part is open conversation as I will work up another site for another friend and that should come up in a few days.  Harry's site was just a fix-up which is in some ways more of a hassle than writing something from scratch but it's running now and more to come.  Apparently it's been two years since it worked properly!  Well, no more of that!

It's now been almost two days without cigarettes and about the same without caffeine.  I had a bit of Coke when we ate so that will stave off any caffeine headache.  No crack on the cigarettes, tho.  There was no point in saying anything prior to getting going on a strong run at this and it's looking pretty good now.

So, Happy March 7, whatever it is.  It sure was a good one here!


Julie said...

Proud of you on the lack of buttage, Bro!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Sis! A couple of days ago it was just wishful thinking but it's looking serious tonight!

Anonymous said...

Catholic Easter Mar 31

Anonymous said...

Greek Orthodox Easter may 5

Unknown said...

Thanks and I'll find out when Easter for Greek Orthodox comes. Perhaps I can also find out why the distinction of dates.

Unknown said...

Most interesting! I'm curious as to why the distinction now! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Everyone has an.opinon as to what day today is Same as which day is the Sabbath sat or sun

Unknown said...

Yah, getting humans to agree on much of anything is always a good trick!