Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Sister Julie CD Project Update

"Finding My Way" was recorded at a level that caused a conflict with other songs on the CD as it would blow you out of your chair when it started.  It's not a loud hammerhead song as really it's more jazzy than rock but the mix could have been better and hopefully that's fixed.

There's an MP3 version of "Finding My Way" available now on the Ride the Dragon podcast.  The song originally appeared on the "Illusion of Gravity" CD.

This one has a different sound from most of my others as there's an octave doubler on the guitar and the song is what resulted from playing around with it.  This kind of song is important as playing something Cat hasn't heard before is close to impossible ... but ... playing something she hasn't heard is the great challenge of playing at the MusikCircus.  This isn't even close to a complaint, it's a delicious challenge.  Surprising Cat musically is a very good thing and hopefully this one will do it.

The recording is from the late 90s and the version I found was so old that it was recorded using Deck II and that hasn't run on an Apple system for almost fifteen years.

I killed "I Love Rats" as I didn't find any redeeming features about the recording.  That's true for many things recorded live as there's almost nothing to be done with them if you don't like the recording after the show.  Maybe you could add some compression, some reverb, a bit of EQ, etc but nothing will turn a bad recording into a symphony, no matter how good you are at studio trickery.  That and one other are out and the flow for the remainder is working for me.

So ... the CD run time is about 66 minutes.  There's still time for about another ten minutes to replace what I chucked so the Sister Julie CD Project is not complete but it's very close.

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