Tuesday, March 24, 2015

As to Dredging Up Old Video

First to cop a plea that they weren't that old.  Both of the videos I've released lately were shot in the last three or four years.  I had the footage and I liked it but I didn't like the music associated with it plus I wanted to try some different techniques.

The latest ones are -

"Looking for the Spirits of Palo Duro Canyon"

High-resolution and heavy effects

"Tennessee Hummingbirds HD 1080p"

High-resolution and no effects except slo-mo on the hummingbirds

Medium-resolution and moderate effects plus slo-mo

I'd be most pleased if you would subscribe to my YouTube channel, Peas InOurThyme, as I intend to keep burning them out there as quickly as I can manage or until I fall out of the chair.  After I write about them here, there isn't any particular reason to mention them again so subscribing is the easiest way to keep up, find the stuff, etc, etc.

The ones above are remixes in that I'm taking video I've shot previously and music I recorded at some other time to make the combinations.  "The End of the World in Fort Worth" is all new and that's still waiting on a drive downtown to get additional footage.  There are additional tactical considerations just now but I'm highly-motivated to get the footage of the mural of the charging cattle which covers the side of a building.  That one is a Fort Worth signature and it's a cool-lookin' thing.  I can sneak it into the video in the same way as tv producers put boxes of Kellogg's Corn Flakes conveniently on the coffee table in sitcoms.  It's valid that our hero is out walking around as where the hell are all the people and, oh wow, check out this cool mural.

For this one I don't want it to take too long but I'm not going to pressure myself over it.  Right now it percolates and that's fine.

What that means also is there is no plan for additional dredging.  There is more footage from Greece and I'll review that but there's not a pressing reason as it's not likely that new music will come that way so it's not a high priority.

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