Sunday, March 1, 2015

Checking Out the Music on the New Used Computer

There are still gadgets I need as the proper setup between a computer and a sound source is via an audio interface.  There are lots of reasons as it's cleaner sound, leaves your music smelling mountain fresh, etc, etc.

But I don't got one ...

so I went with the ultra-cheesy alternative.  There is one cable with a stereo mini-plug on one end and two XLR outs on the other ends.  No-one ever does this but, hey, I don't got the right gadget so I used the headphone port.

What I discovered is the sound is highly excellent.  There is zero chance of feedback as the broadcast system (i.e. the new used Mac) has no access to the laptop, it's not even on the Internet.  The only way the stream will hear anything from the back tracks is coming in through the mixer, just like everything else.

This is total immaculation.  It's how I had always done it in the past, except then it was with a proper interface, and doing it this way gives immense possibilities for fiddling about.

There hasn't been any playing during this time and likely there won't be for a while yet but that doesn't mean it's finished, it just isn't the time.

Yevette, I just had the nefarkulous idea.  The laptop won't be doing anything most of the time so I can set up an Yevette account on it and you can screw around with it in your easy chair.  TV and Facebook, the Church of the New America!

Hang out with people who call Clinton by her first name.  Find out what people eat.  Praise be.

The people on Facebook are good but it's easy to fuck up good people with bad things, there's only a squillion examples of that in history.

Very brief note of newsworthy nature:  PEGIDA got its ass kicked in Newcastle.  They were out-numbered five to one by people to tell them to take their racist dogs back home.  Outstanding job, UK.

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