Friday, March 13, 2015

Someone Looking For a Frog?

Dream big ... and you just might turn into a frog.

It's unclear if this is the dream frog as he can't dance.  I don't have much virtual frog knowledge so maybe it is possible to teach him to dance.

As you might guess, this is only starting to get weird.

There is a strong reason for capturing Second Life animation and that's "On a Grecian Morning" as Cat has a vision of riding a horse on a beach.  There's no way to do it in RL without a Hollywood budget but doing it in Second Life is a snap ... plus it's free.

Well, it's not entirely free as there's $100 to license Camtastic but that's a one-time charge.

Before I do that, I have to be clear on what comes from it.  Putting frogs in downtown Fort Worth is funny but is it $100 worth of funny.  Maybe.

Using SL for animation for "On a Grecian Morning" is a guaranteed Serious Project as the object would be to do more than just be clever with video.  A surreal Lady Godiva would be sensual rather than titillating and could be quite beautiful if done well.

That's a good reason to do it but I'm still not sure about $100.

This isn't waffling but rather evaluation.  Frogs need to be sure.

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