Sunday, October 19, 2014

Bible-Bashing for Professionals

When people use the same old cliches for Bible-bashing, it's a personal embarrassment as the good Reverend Silas T Sasquatch has put years of study into the Bible, much of it with an R&B soundtrack.

How about we call uninformed Bible-bashers as Godclods as one of their favorites is that Christians have a monopoly on killing, presumably because of the Crusades.  They also like to throw in that Hitler was ostensibly a Christian as obviously he was doing God's work, yes?

This kind of Godclod crap is specious, stupid, and boring as the purpose is to wipe out God, churches, the Bible and anything that even looks like a kid going to Sunday school.  Godclods never seem to get it that this is the same logic used by Stalin and Mao when they purged millions of people (yes, millions).

The above is specifically not the purpose of the good Reverend and for many reasons.  First off, if you burn the Bible then he will have to write his own material and he does not want to do that.  Where Godclods are stupid and lazy, the good Reverend is just lazy.

For anyone to say whether God, Allah, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster does or does not exist is supreme arrogance.  However, I respect someone's faith that I believe God exists.  If you understand that faith is not proof then all is good as I know for damn sure Steven Hawking is not the new Messiah ... although he is on a Pink Floyd album and that's pretty close.

There is nothing the good Reverend has ever said that charges or implies God does not exist and I do, in fact, resent amateurish Bible-bashing ... but that's maybe that's disliking amateurism in general.  It's the same in music; if you're not going to put the time into a tune, why even bother playing it.

What pissed me off on the matter was some guy saying the Bible was the basis for the Holocaust due to its anti-Semitic teachings.  Yah, and Allah was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.  This kind of mindless bashing is stupid and ignores how frequently the Bible has been used as a tool by corrupt leaders.  That doesn't so much imply fault in the Bible but rather in the way people use it and that is precisely why Sasquatch does what he does.

Leviticus is a particular favorite as that writing is abused by more Christians and heretics maybe than Thou shalt not kill.  You will hear it quoted constantly by Cracker Boy as he wants to bash gay guys.  What Cracker Boy leaves out is that Leviticus is in the Old Testament which is what was rewritten for the New Testament and, well, Christianity.  Maybe Cracker Boy missed that part but it is kind of important if you want to call yourself a Christian.

What Cracker Boy also leaves out is that Leviticus tells us everyone is going to burn.  You'll even burn for eating a steak that was not burned (i.e. rare).  If the food has blood in it then you are going to meet Satan, Devil Boy.

Here is the good Reverend giving you a rundown on all the reasons you will burn based on what is written in Leviticus.  Historical note:  I had thought Leviticus was one guy who was one major crank but it turns out it's the collected thinking of the Levitine people ... who must have been a whole society of cranks.

The only way you will 'get it' with Silas is if you know what's in the Bible already and that's the absolute stone funniest part of it to me is that so many people don't.  When Sasquatch knows more about what's in the Bible than you, Cracker Boy, it's a good chance you really are going to burn.

Pro tip, son:  don't eat the shellfish

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