Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Introducing the Mystery Lady to the Good Reverend Sasquatch

Got an idea for Reverend Silas T Sasquatch, not at all like the other ones except, well, Sasquatch is in it.  Time for a cheesy fookin' dream sequence.  Every bad movie you ever saw has one so ... it's time.  Bad movies are my job.

The reason for doing it is to weasel some of my music into one but not just as some background elevator tracks as I've done in a couple of others.  "It's for You" is the only original tune I ever recorded with the Mystery Lady and the poignance is this was recorded after we divorced.  I've been the Demon of Remix for several hours now and I fookin' hate this as you listen over and over and over and over ... but it's necessary.

There are twelve tracks in it and the only ones I didn't play are the drums and the Mystery Lady.  Balancing them when the purpose is to become exceptionally loud is a trick as the tendency is for the tracks to turn to mud in a gooey amorphous noise.  That is worked partly by panning the instruments so it's not a one-dimensional sound like you're listening down a tunnel.  Some of the other instruments sound similar and the only way to deal with that is to EQ them and keep the best bits of each waveform to spread the sounds apart.  That's the ultimate pain in the ass as the EQ may and probably will change during the course of the track.

Doing this means I can go full trips on the video as it's a fookin' dream sequence.  There are no rules. It also means it will take a night and a day to render it but that's ok.  It would be worth it for this one.

It's kind of a risk as people think wtf is this guy doing.

How do I know.  It seemed like a cool idea at the time.  There's a crew that just wants to see Christian bashing and church burning but that stuff isn't just stupid, it's pointless.  I'll cheerfully mock anyone's spirituality because you all be some confused mofos but there's no harm in it.  If you really believe what you believe, Sasquatch won't even dent it.  And then he runs a musical.  Is this fookin' "Oklahoma" or what.

Well, frankly, son, I don't know.  I know I ain't in Oklahoma anymore ... but it also ain't that far away. You can follow the trail of Indian reservations as you drive down the Interstate there, all of it land you wouldn't bother giving to a coyote.  Andrew Jackson hasn't burned for even close to long enough for doing that.  So I ain't there anymore.

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