Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Carnage Remaining

In deleting Google+, it was as punitive as possible and a made a mess out of the videos.  At first I thought it deleted them.  I've re-organized the ones I think are worthwhile.  The others are in there somewhere but Google+ also marked the videos playlists private so who knows what is visible and what is not.

As to deleting Facebook, so what.  Facebook is Bibi is Bibi is Facebook.  Somewhere in there is the thief.  She and others give him / them cover.  None of them lifted a finger, ergo all of them who knew of it are shit.  I live on Saltines, they live on righteousness.  I hope it feeds them well.

Twitter is marginally useful but mostly it is just another time suck.

Commenting on the public is by invitation and those invitations have only gone to people who are not grinding axes.

Musicians make deals to play and the gig will be honored unless there is a broken bone poking through the skin.  They are always verbal and they are almost always honored.  Those who do not complete their deals never last long.

The videos are all out there and it amuses me that when I'm out of this someone might actually look at them and think, hey, that wasn't too bad.  Maybe I should talk to him about that.  But I won't be here.  Enjoy your politics.

Time is short and the only reason I am still breathing is because of Cat.

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