Sunday, October 26, 2014

Reverend Sasquatch Shoots Divine Lasers Out of his Head (video)

The good Reverend Silas T Sasquatch got to wondering, hmmm, just how would you shoot lasers out of yer head.  That's when the great Flying Spaghetti Monster extended a wiggly tentacle of inspiration and in that Vision this video was born.

This is kind of an apology for the bumout in the last one even though I do not feel apologetic for doing it.  I'm apologetic insofar as it's way too heavy to handle in the morning.  This one now is not heavy at all and will definitely not make anyone cry.  In making tears I am sorry as that is never my purpose, not even to people I really, really don't like.  I don't want to make them cry either ... stabbing them would be ok, tho.

And, what the hell, the video has mermaids.

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