Friday, October 24, 2014

What If "Das Paradies Song" is About Palestine

You need to do some time travel so be sure you have clean underwear and let's get on with it.

Palestine is a free state and a voting member of the United Nations.  It has been years and their economy has steadily grown to the point of serious international business connections.  By treaty with NATO, they have agreed not to arm the nation as their defense will come from NATO.  There is not currently any need for defense as hostilities with Israel stopped as soon as statehood was achieved.  Immediately tensions started dropping.

Around the world the same thing happened as everyone has watched this forever and now finally a peace that is real.

With this penultimate battle of religions comes a peace which is known to be a truce but it is a peace nevertheless.  It is the penultimate battle as the ultimate is the one that grows out of this one if the peace isn't real.

The battle goes around the world as Jew hating is a universal theme.  That loses a huge part of its rationalization as Palestine steps into the world community.  There will still be the ancient animosity about money lenders as likely there will still be the lack of acceptance of why Jews became money lenders in the first place.  But even that would fade in the peace.

This is more Paradise than anything I can imagine as all of the largest conflicts of the world evaporate with that conflict resolved.  There's nothing left after that except War Child finding the mines and taking care of the children.  But even that job would finally be complete after some time.

Of all the Visions of Paradise that come to me, I can't find a better one.

Cure Ebola ... sure, they will.  It sucks just now but they will figure it out.  They figured it out with HIV.

There's no point in a list.  I don't see anything that comes close to the beautiful things that would come to the world if only that one thing happened.  I doubt anyone on the planet would forget the day Palestine became real and in the most beautiful of ways.

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