Friday, October 31, 2014

Thinking Autobiography ... But ... Only If It's Funny

There's a lot of material for funny in my life and I have been advised multiple times I should do a biography but my response was my tragedy (sob) is that my life story would be a comedy.

Once you strip away the crap just about everyone's life story is a comedy as Obama must turn to Michele every so often and say, "Girl, you know what.  They put me in charge of the entire country's nuclear arsenal.  Do you believe that shit??"

Then they laugh.  How could you not.  The magnificence of that absurdity is beyond any comprehension until you are in that position.

Plus I'm getting tired of the Sasquatch intro / outro.  The intro for the Galactic Peace Tour was moderately cool but the outro with the Death Visits the Van scene was pretty gruesome even if I do say it was a fairly cool effect.

I'm dancing a little bit with the idea of a 50's sitcom intro but then someone goes retro.  I don't care about retro, I care about funny.  It definitely has to be short as funny can't wait.

Video works best as it's easier and a ton more natural than typing which is necessarily constraining simply by the physical act of doing it ... your mind can only move as fast as your fingers type or your mind is moving so fast your fingers can't possibly keep up and most of your thought is lost.  Pfft.

Content would be the history stories you've seen in the blog and suggestions would be cool as there was some funny stuff.


Kidnapping the Old Dog to take him to the Ann Arbor hash festival in '72??

The Cleveland Car-Jumping Rodeo

Losing RH at a concert and seeing him returned to us ... as they passed him back hand over hand.  Yes, he is alive to this day but I have not spoken with him.  I tried to reach him but had no luck.

Trippin' at the Genesis concert with Lotho and an Un-Named Wood Sprite

Caimans in the Bathtub.

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