Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Reverend Silas T Sasquatch Goes Off on Second Life Griefers (video)

The good Reverend Silas T Sasquatch is pleased to present just about every nasty thing you ever wanted to say to a griefer but didn't because you were afraid it would draw more of them.  I say fuck 'em.  I've been griefed before and I'll be griefed again.

Tip to performers:  always mute them.  Their only purpose is to taunt you and they know you are vulnerable.  Vampires can only come in if you invite them.  Talking to them will not bring them to the Lord, they are already dead.

"Griefers call themselves artists but that's no more true than putting newspaper into a litterbox turns a cat into a journalist." - Silas Scarborough

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