Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Alan Fraser Live at the Melrose Rock Bar or Kastro Bar

Whether it's me or Silas playing this gig doesn't make a whole lot of difference as both are the same except Silas is a whole lot hotter than I am, that is if you think young, muscular, sandy-haired studs are hot.  The gig will be in 10-14 days so it looks like show-time very soon in Greece!

Harry called me earlier today and asked if I would like to play.  I'm not positive if he meant the Melrose Rock Bar (Pyrgos) or the Kastro Bar (Katakolo) but either place is very cool and both hold a lot of people so I guess I better not suck (laughs).  I also don't want to suck as I'm riding on Harry's recommendation and I want to do well for him also.

Harry is a very good man and I haven't told him any details but I think he has a pretty good idea that I'm screwed to the walls.  He not only asked me about this gig but he said he had another friend who needs some PHP programming.  The way we left it is that I will talk to his friend to find out what he needs and that may a temporary job writing some code for him.  I can't thank Harry enough for all the things he and his family have done for me.  The Greek people are charming, it's the Internet that gets me torqued off.

I don't have many details on the gig as I'm sure it's playing a one-hour set at Melrose but I'm not sure how long it would be at Kastro.  The kids who played there some while back went a solid four hours and I would roll over dead if I tried that (laughs).

If there's any way possible, I will stream this gig to the Internet as I desperately want to play live for Cat.  She's heard my recordings but that kind of stuff is a drag.  For both of us, live is what makes it real and I want to deliver on that.  The audio stream handles a thousand listeners so you could pick it up from anywhere and would not need to login to Second Life to do it.  NOTE:  this is only true if we are real-life friends as I will send you the URL for the stream privately rather than posting it here.

Well, this is quite exciting, isn't it!


Anonymous said...

why not set up a website company or as a consultant deal you can do that in your sleep

Julie said...

congrats, count me in!
Happy dances all around!

Unknown said...

I'm mixed on Web page development as there are skills such as Ajax which I don't have and which add a great deal of capability and flash. For example, Amazon is heavily-dependent on Ajax. That's not to say I aspire to develop anything of such scale but that sort of capability is now required just about anywhere. The pages I develop are largely static and that is adequate for many needs so I will need to talk with Harry's friend to determine his exact requirements and discover whether I can grow to meet them or they are out of reach. There's nothing defeatist in this as it's a matter of understanding the client's needs.

Unknown said...

Thank you, thank you! (big smiles)

I guess I better learn some songs (laughs). That's not true, tho, as I never did before (laughs some more!).