Sunday, August 2, 2015

"Hotel Serengeti 2100 - A Song for Cecil the Lion" (video) #WalterPalmer

A protest of the shooting of Cecil the Lion by Walter Palmer.  There are no bloody images in the video but it's not suitable for young children due to sardonic references to what happened.  There is no street language but the concept of being deliberately bad in representation of something preventable may be beyond them.

The tone overall is positive as I do believe we can make it stop and that's explicitly the point in the video.  Every trophy killing is a disgrace to the animal and a theft from us all.  The video is based on a suggestion from Cat Boucher.

Cat and I talked as she is furious in the same way.  She said she liked the song and suggested making a video.  We talked some more and the Song for Cecil happened.  Please share if you feel it's a strong protest of trophy killing as this is non-profit.  The song is not for sale and I don't even collect click charges for hits on my videos.

So it's all about Cecil.  We won't shoot anyone but this we can do.

If killing animals really did anything for conservation, rapists could restore virginity in the world.

Note:  I may put the song on my next CD but that's maybe, maybe, maybe stuff.  I don't even know if I will release the CD.

Direct link to audio version of "Hotel Serengeti 2100 - A Song for Cecil" on the Ride the Dragon podcast.

We must tell you we put a wee signature in the video.  Unknown if you will spot it.

And one for Fellini ... it's even got meerkats.

For me this is techno beat poetry as it should be in a 50's coffee shop with a lot of beatniks on intravenous espresso IVs ... and snapping their fingers a lot ... and saying 'dig it' all the time.  Here in the Rockhouse we have a knack for making genres which haven't the faintest profit potential.

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