Monday, August 3, 2015

Biggest Boob of a Cop on the Planet Has Been Located

Ng Lai-ying's chest bumped the right arm of policeman Chan Ka-Po during a crowded protest against mainland Chinese border traders in March. The sentencing was to three and a half months in prison for "assaulting a police officer" with her breast.  (CNN:  'Breasts are not weapons,' say Hong Kong protesters)

There wasn't sufficient detail to determine if Officer Chan Ka-Po was physically injured by the offending breast or suffered some other type of injurious psychological trauma if he believed his life was threatened.  There's also the potential for post-traumatic shock disorder from the memory of the traumatizing breast.  Woody Allen made this movie decades ago.  Now it lives.

This may be the first recorded case of prosecution for boob assault and we think there should be more of it, not the prosecution but boob assaults.  The complexion of civilization would change when the consequence of any given behavior may be a woman will commit a boob assault.  In some cases, you may welcome the assault but, as with the tragic case of Officer Chan Ka-Po, in others your life may be ruined by it.

We can meet outside to scan the skies for the comet which will end life on the planet, all with the same thought:  please send it.

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