Sunday, May 3, 2015

G.D. Armstrong Electric Bouzouki

Don't mind me as I'm just lusting.

G.D. Armstrong is a luthier in Oregon and Newberg Music is where you can learn more about the instruments he builds.

For my play, the solid-body bouzouki is much preferred as my shoulder doesn't negotiate on that.  The wider body of an electric / acoustic instrument would likely not be tolerated.  However, this instrument is not a compromise as I see pure gorgeosity in her.

This looks like a real luthier's work as they are such artists they don't just feel wood, they hear it.  This one will demonstrate a compelling difference between it and an acoustic / electric model as the sustain on notes with a solid body is significant.  The actual voice of the instrument will be changed beyond making it louder through amplification and some may call it heresy but I call it love.

It would make no sense whatsoever to acquire one of these although I would dearly love to take the time to learn how she likes to be treated, how she likes to sing.  That can't happen so this is a moment of pure lust.  Please do enjoy as you will.  She is beautiful, isn't she.

(Note:  this isn't a back-handed request for assistance.  I'm thoroughly enjoying the lust.)

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