Thursday, October 9, 2014

And the Medical

CAT scan reveals relative stability and thus less likely to be cancer.  It doesn't make any difference either way as I still can't breathe.  There is air to make videos but any exertion buries me almost immediately.  I will try to make a video playing the guitar to find out what I can do but they sucked blood and gave shots in both arms so that will wait.

Bone density is so low she wants to hold off on a test until she can find if Vitamin D and Calcium will make any difference.  Caused by smoking and a poor diet over a long period.  This surprised me as I've broken so many bones and they were always fairly good at fixing themselves.  Apparently not anymore.

They're tapped out as things won't get any better and there's no medication that would help.

There's more but so what.

She asked what I would do if it were cancer and I said I'd end it.  I've already made up my mind I wouldn't do surgery and for multiple reasons:  way too many surgeries already in my life, little chance the surgery would have any significant effect beyond being hugely painful, QoL is so low already that it gains nothing to put up with being chopped again.

I'm not depressed.  I just don't like the situation.  Most of all I don't like that there's nothing I can do about it.

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